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The Program combines courses at both the Escuela de Idiomas Nerja and the UCLM in linguistic immersion.

Spanish Course

  • NERJA.
  • 4 hours per day.
  • Runs from 4 to 32 weeks.
Escuela de Idiomas Nerja
The Program combines courses at both the Escuela de Idiomas Nerja and the UCLM in linguistic immersion. The Program begins at the Escuela de Idiomas in Nerja. The student will enrol in this Program until he/she reaches the level to qualify to take the official exam of Spain, known as the D.E.L.E. at the Intermediate level. The student will enrol in this Program until he/she reaches the level to qualify to take the official exam of Spanish, known as the D.E.L.E. level C1.

University Studies

  • May obtain up to 24 college credits.
  • Duration of one to two semesters.
Castille University
The UCLM Toledo Campus offers more than 40 different classes in the Schools of Humanities, Law, Economics and Business Administration as well as the Science of Physical Education and Sports. The classes are geared to first and second year students on the University level. Studying economics, law, and history in Spanish alongside Spanish students paves the road to bilingualism.


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